I've read what seems to be a conspiracy theory on a website which claims there was no Instrument Landing System on this airforce base that the plane was due to land on.
This was a town of a few hundred thousand people. If so, then the useage of ILS is unlikely. What the conspiracy theories have also stated is that this base was in use for training fighter pilots and ask why it wouldn't have an ILS.
I'm no aviation exprert and do not have my private pilot's liscence (PPL) yet, but I have a great deal of knowledge in the field of aviation.
The use of an ILS system, is often only used in major cities of a country. If an extremly mountainious airport such as Skardu in Northern Pakistan has no ILS (atleast to my knowledge) why should people expect this base to be equipped with an ILS?
Especially when airports in Northern Pakistan are in extremly rough terrian aand require extreme skill and experience to land in. Most international pilots would never be able to land in Northern Pakistan.
Pakistani aviation laws require local certification to land in the Northern areas of the country, a region amongst the most difficult to land in.
So the question is if there's no ILS in Northern Pakistan, why should conspiracy theorists expect this airforce base to have one?
Sobotage? Unlikely. A release in the analysis of data recovered from the crash may give a clue to the cause, though some conspiracy theoirsts might reject it.
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